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snippet: Service depicting accessible warm public spaces residents can spend time to seek respite from cold temperatures and inclement weather as provided by Ottawa Public Health. Liste énumérant les espaces publics chauffés accessibles où les résidents p
summary: Service depicting accessible warm public spaces residents can spend time to seek respite from cold temperatures and inclement weather as provided by Ottawa Public Health. Liste énumérant les espaces publics chauffés accessibles où les résidents p
extent: [[-76.2595624153983,45.0912322427488],[-75.3371741537534,45.517787738077]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: A service for Ottawa Public Health data at the City of Ottawa
title: OttawaPublicHealth
type: Map Service
tags: ["OPH"]
culture: en-CA
name: OttawaPublicHealth
guid: 301446C6-6EF6-4D13-A778-1A83A5375FC7
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere